Kim Barber's bossOwner Community


Are you an ambitious real estate agent looking to stand out in a competitive market? With our professional mentorship and comprehensive training, you can transform your approach, master your tools, and achieve exceptional success.

Real Estate bossOwner:
The Future of the Industry

US: The bossOwner

We're innovators

We pioneer new approaches, leverage technology, and stay ahead in the real estate market.

We're efficient

We save our valuable time by optimizing processes and implementing workflow automations.

We're lead magnets

We employ targeted marketing, build strong relationships, and convert prospects into loyal clients.

We're stronger together

We share insights, provide support, and collaborate to overcome challenges.

We're boundless

We pursue our dreams with unwavering determination to live a life of endless potential.

THEM: Traditional Agents

They're stuck in the past

They cling to outdated methods, resist innovation, and wonder why their businesses are stagnating.

They're slaves to the grind

They work tirelessly, chasing leads, and burning out, all while their income remains capped.

They're losing leads left and right

They lack the systems and strategies to effectively capture, nurture, and convert leads into clients.

They're on their own

They lack the support, guidance, and camaraderie of a thriving community of like-minded professionals.

They're settling for less

They've accepted mediocrity as the norm, sacrificing their dreams for a life of unfulfilled potential.

Learn why our clients choose us time and time again:

Opportunity to add

3-10+ sales

on your business monthly!

Kim Barber has helped over


Real Estate Agents!

Become part of the

Top 1%

as soon as you can!


You shouldn’t sacrifice your personal life and well-being for real estate success. With The bossOwner Community, working nonstop isn’t necessary. All you need is to implement a systematic and strategic approach.

Real Estate Skills

Master the professional skills crucial for success in the real estate industry. Become better at communication, negotiation, and problem-solving to thrive in any market conditions.

Business Management Skills

Develop essential abilities for effective business management. Refine leadership, organizational, and planning skills to drive success in your real estate business.

Listing and Marketing Tactics

Implement advanced marketing strategies and ensure full online visibility for your listings. Attract a wider reach and generate a steady stream of qualified leads.

Lead Management Strategies

Leverage basic automation to smoothly guide leads from first contact to closing. Streamline your follow-up system and maximize conversions so no leads slip away.

When you work smarter, not harder, you can finally build a real estate career that works for you and your life - not the other way around.

Join Kim Barber's bossOwner COMMUNITY

This is the ultimate real estate agent support — personalized to address your unique challenges and goals, backed by decades of experience, and driven by innovative technology. Become part of the BOSSOWNERS Community to take advantage of it all!

Business Growth Coaching

Enhance skills in business management, brand development, marketing, lead generation, and lead conversion to drive sustainable growth in your real estate business.

Prospecting Growth Training

Learn effective prospecting strategies and templates to help you identify and engage potential clients using proven frameworks for scaling your income and impact.

Daily Team Motivation

Stay inspired and energized with daily doses of motivation from our supportive community, keeping you focused and driven towards your goals.

Weekly Accountability Meeting

Join our weekly accountability meetings to track your progress and stay on course with the support of like-minded peers and experienced coaches.

Monthly Action Planning

Participate in monthly action planning sessions to strategize and prioritize your next steps, ensuring you're consistently moving forward towards your objectives.

Ask Me Anything Sessions

Get your burning questions answered by Kim Barber and her expert team during our interactive "Ask Me Anything" sessions.

Tips, Tools, and Tricks

Access all of our resources filled with tips, tools, and tricks created to help you become more confident and efficient in your real estate career.

Recording Replays

Missed a session? No problem. Catch up on all the valuable content with our recording replays, ensuring you never miss out on key insights and learnings.

Kim Barber's Million Dollar Agent Blueprint

Kim Barber's bossOwner Community

Gain access to the ultimate real estate agent support membership, where I'll share proven, high-level strategies, frameworks, and solutions to help you become a Million Dollar Agent.

  • What You Get Value
  • Business Growth Coaching
  • Prospecting Growth Training
  • Daily Team Motivation
  • Weekly Accountability Meeting
  • Monthly Action Planning
  • Ask Me Anything Sessions
  • Tips, Tools, and Tricks
  • Recording Replays
  • Total Value You Get $14,358

Secure the introductory price of $57 ($97) today.

The bossOwner Community will start on
July 2024

(The first payment of your membership is $57, Founding Members are grandfathered in at the current price and will be exempt from any future price changes. The monthly membership fee after the initial month, will start, depending on your membership date or the program's launch date. If you lock in this pricing today, it will remain the same unless you decide to cancel your membership.)

Your InfoWhere should we send your access?
PaymentSecured payment

Get the exact buyer presentation I use to convert leads into clients! When you secure your membership today, you'll receive free access to the very same buyer presentation that has consistently generated significant revenue for my real estate business!

Kim Barber's bossOwner Community

You Don't Need To Pay For Expensive Leads

It's typical for real estate agents to operate with a lead conversion rate ranging between 1% and 3%. This standard rate often limits many realtors, leading them to invest in expensive leads. But what if you could double, triple, or even quadruple that rate? That's exactly what we can help you achieve.

The lies we tell ourselves...

I’m not experienced enough.

Experience is gained through action, and everyone starts somewhere. With the right guidance and support, even newbies can quickly build their expertise in the real estate industry.

The market is too competitive.

While the market may be competitive, there's always room for those who bring value and innovation. With the right mindset and strategy, you can thrive in any market condition.

Success is only for those who are lucky.

You can beat the odds with the right combination of confidence, cleverness, and commitment. Improve your mindset, hone your skills, stay informed and updated, and execute tactical steps.

I can’t afford to invest in learning.

Investing in your skills, mindset, and network isn’t an expense; it’s the wisest investment you can make for your future. The returns on personal growth far outweigh the costs.

The bossOwner truth...

Your mindset is your most powerful asset.

A positive and resilient mindset can turn challenges into opportunities. Developing the right mindset is the foundation of your success in real estate.

Your continuous learning is non-negotiable.

Staying ahead in the real estate market requires constant learning and adaptation. Embrace every chance to expand your knowledge and skills to stay competitive.

Your accountability is extremely crucial.

Holding yourself accountable ensures you stay on track with your goals and commitments. It drives consistent progress and helps you achieve long-term success.

Your community is your secret weapon.

A strong network provides support, advice, and opportunities you wouldn't find alone. Make sure to be a part of a collaborative community of high achievers to boost your real estate career.


Become A bossOwner
Take a step closer to your dream life today!

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Kim Barber
Trusted By Over 87k++ Real Estate Agents

Do you have any question before signing up to the BOSSOWNER community?

Fill in the form below.

Let Us Help You, We Want To Meet You Where You Are.

Kim Barber's Million Dollar Lead Framework

Kim Barber Coaching is a company that assists real estate agents with their online businesses and services. We do not guarantee financial success from implementing our modules and lessons. Our video presentations and testimonials are for educational purposes only and do not aim to drive sales. While they may showcase real experiences, individual results vary based on effort, education, business model, and market factors. Our testimonials are genuine but participants were incentivized, and results may not be typical.

Need help? Contact us [email protected]

2024 Kim Barber Coaching. All rights reserved.